Letters of Recommendation

Things you should keep in mind when asking for a letter of recommendation:

Before you ask me:

  1. I like writing letters of recommendation, I'm proud when students ask me, and it's part of my job to do so.
  2. You don't necessarily need to have obtained a high grade in one of my courses to ask me for a letter of recommendation.
  3. But we must have talked so that I can say that I know you well. Are you active in class? Involved and respectful? Have we talked inside or outside of class about chemistry or any other related topic? If not, I may not be able to write you a strong letter.

How to ask me:

  1. Send me an email asking if I'm willing.
  2. Indicate when I need to submit it. Give me at least one full week to write it. I will submit it when you ask me to, not before. If the deadline is in two months but you'd rather have me submit it in a month, please, tell me so, otherwise I'll submit it in two months.
  3. Fill out this form and send it to me.
  4. Tell me what you think I should mention in the letter. Maybe you did a research project with me, or you were a UAA in my course, or you were specially helpful in class, or any episode that you think I can speak highly of you.
  5. In your first email also attach your CV.


  1. I'll have it written on my calendar so I don't forget, but it does not hurt sending me an email reminding me.
  2. Once I'm done I will send you an email confirming my submission. Please reply acknowledging it. It is common courtesy to thank me for it.